Saturday, July 31
Friday, July 30
flying solo

The sunset was BEAUTIFUL tonight... and my plan for this blog has been (from the start), not to take a photo of the same thing twice. WELL, that's going to be difficult regarding sunsets, because there are too many pretty ones... but I promise, I will keep them limited :)
I loved how the one bird was flying solo - in front of the rest. Sometimes we all feel like we're flying solo, but if we only look back, our friends aren't far behind!
Thursday, July 29
my mountain

I moved to Cape Town at the end of 2008... and during those first few months I used to call Table Mountain, MY mountain... I don't do that anymore.
One of the reasons is that I moved to Green Point, and didn't see the mountain in front of me everyday...
I was driving on De Waal drive today and saw the mountain again in all it's majesty... and realised - it still is MY mountain :)
Wednesday, July 28
we all dream big!!

A friend of mine started her own business recently - doing wedding flowers, and making 'do-it-your-self' dresses... She's really good, and the right thing to do is to visit her website: www.varsliefde.co.za
On a more personal level, I have to admit that this is a bit of a tough week - time wise... and I'm lacking a bit of inspiration for the blog.. BUT I'm keeping strong and finding beauty in the little things! I can't believe I'm on day 18 already... and I've got 22 followers :) YAY!! Thanks people - you make this all worth while!
There's also the fact that I can do what I love... EVERY DAY :D
Tuesday, July 27
when the night has come...
Monday, July 26
who wants to study?
Sunday, July 25
a celebration!

Today was a special 7-year anniversary for my friend Lara, and we celebrated with her, with a picnic at Signal Hill in Cape Town.
Had to be one of the most beautiful winter days in Cape Town - where you just need to be outside. It was such an honour and privilege to share this day with her... and I love this moment of happiness that I captured!
Saturday, July 24
crochet away

I sometimes think of myself as a near 80-year old lady... not only do I love baking, but I also love knitting and crocheting.!
Funnily enough, I taught this friend of mine to crochet - and then ironically, she moved ahead of me so fast, and made herself this AWESOME headband!!! Well done shneebly - you're friggin fantastic!!
Friday, July 23
first job...
Thursday, July 22
still taking two..

I'm back...
As I mentioned... it's a special day... and special days will have special rules!
In one of my previous posts I mentioned a certain Assistant Learning Program with one of the Western Cape's best photographers... I went for an interview and also said a little about that..
I GOT IT!!! I'M IN!!! I still can't believe it and I'm OVER THE MOON!!! So, that's the good news... I'm soooo excited and almost bursting out of my own skin! God is good all the time, and this is really like a dream come true!
The photo is just to show how happy I am :D Two photos is an exception, and as I've mentioned - only on special days!!
take two..

So... today is an exception - a very special exception. Two photos...
First one is my original photo of the day :) I was standing outside tonight, and noticed that the mist created a cloud-like substance, that was just super cool.. I kept the shutter open a bit longer than usual, and this is what was produced.. I LOVE IT. Please note that it was already pitch dark and about 20:00 at night. This is what can be created with an open shutter :)
Wednesday, July 21
all creatures great and small

This little fellow made it's appearance at school today...
We were playing outside when one of the boys shouted and pointed frantically at the grass... amidst the leaves I found him.
The praying mantis is one of my favourite little creatures, and it reminded me again today how great God is, and how perfectly He created every creature... great and small.
Tuesday, July 20
Monday, July 19
through the windshield :)
Sunday, July 18
Saturday, July 17
muesli for the masses
Friday, July 16

I still have no words... A friend emailed me yesterday and said he has a CANON EOS 400D that he's not really using, and I can have it to play around with... I still cannot believe my luck and feel SO super blessed by it all!
I now 'have' a CANON EOS 400D, to 'play around with'... so I'm going to experiment and hopefully have some gems to put up here!!
Thursday, July 15
Wednesday, July 14
welcome to cape town!
Tuesday, July 13
a few of my favourite things...

As I was waiting to go for my interview today, I took a walk down 'Die Laan' in Stellenbosch... for those of you who don't know, it's a very famous street in Stellenbosch, the town where I studied.
There is nothing like playing around in 'fresh', crackling autumn leaves.... Right there and then I decided to sit there next to the road with my feet in the leaves. It was too cold to take my shoes off... hence the fact that I had them on. I LOVE my PEP store sneakers, and they have almost taken me through two winters...
With today's photo I salute two of my favourite things:
Autumn leaves, and my PEP store sneakers :)
p.s the interview went well... I should find out sometime next week...
Monday, July 12
Every camera needs a bag...

Hi peeps
So... good news first... my interview is tomorrow evening at 18:00. Although I'm nervous and a little bit stressed...i'm SOOOO excited!! This is such an awesome adventure, and if I get the place in the ALP program it's going to be FANTASTIC! If I don't, I'll try something else, and see it as a learning curve.... either way, I'll let you know how it goes!
As this was my last day of holiday I decided to do something super productive :) I made myself a little bag to put my camera in...! Yes, I do have a bag for my camera., but I decided to make a nicer one, to sling over my shoulder - as my camera will go with me EVERYWHERE!!
WOW - I've already got 11 followers... I feel super blessed. Thanks for going on this adventure with me!
Sunday, July 11
It is here!
It's taken a while but it's finally here...
This blog is going to be my challenge for the rest of 2010...and hopefully after! For the rest of the year I will attempt to take 1 photo, everyday. My photos will be of anything, anywhere, at any given time... but... I will post 1 photo everyday.
My first photo is of me :) Yes, I would at least like to introduce myself to the readers out there...
I'm a happy go lucky South African gal who by profession is a teacher for autistic children, and although I love my job there is some lack of passion. My passion: PHOTOGRAPHY. Not a very affordable hobby or career move, so I'm starting small. I have enrolled for an assistant learning program with one of Cape Town's best photographers, and will go for my interview on Tuesday... so let's hope and pray!
That's that for now... I can't believe my blog is finally happening... the editing and playing around with it has taken longer than planned... Now, let's go!!
I hope you enjoy my blog, and finally... SAY CHEESE!!!
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